Lab 3: Compiled C Code

In this lab I investigated the transformation of my code from source C code to C compiler output to learn exactly what the compiler is doing when I call it. My initial program was a simple Hello World program: #include <stdio> int main(){ printf("Hello World!"); } My first compilation was a simple gcc with most of the optimization and fancy tricks stripped out. This was done with the -O0 and -fno-builtin flags, -O0 meaning do not use any optimizations when compiling and -fno-builtin meaning do use any built in function optimizations. So : gcc -g -O0 -fno-builtin -o hello1 hello.c. The compiler then returns an Executable and Linkable Format file (ELF for short) named hello1 which I used to examine what it had done to my code. The first thing I noticed after using objdump to look at the assembly code that was output was that my simple four line program had ballooned out to...